Kuruvilla Pandikattu Joseph SJ
Prof Dr Kuruvilla Pandikattu Joseph SJ (1957- ), [Pronounce] is Chair Professor of JRD Tata Foundation on Business Ethics at XLRI, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. He is also Professor of Philosophy at Jnan Deepa (JD), Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Pune, India, is a Jesuit priest (DUM) who pursues his research in science, religion and philosophy.
The holder of three Master's Degrees and two Doctorates (in philosophy and theology) from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, he has written extensively on topics of science, religion and philosophy. Author of more than 45 books and 216 scholarly articles, has been involved in the dialogue between science and religion and between religions.
The focus of his academic engagement has been: Issues in Philosophical Anthropology, Science-Religion Dialogue and Viable Life-Styles (TAMAS, Laudato Si' and Fratelli tutti). He also contributes to the role of science, technology and spirituality towards fostering a sustainable life.
Professor of Philosophy, Science and Religion, at JD, Pune
Former Director, JD Centre for Science-Religion Studies
Former Editor: Jnandeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies
Former Editor: AUC: Asian Journal for Religious Studies
Organiser of Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
Regular Contributor to CNewsLive
Areas of specialization:
Dialogue as a Way of Life
Ethics Embracing Everything/Everyone
Life Management
Philosophical Anthropology
Science-Technology-Values Interaction
Email: kuru[at]xlri.ac.in | kuru[at]kuru.in
Courses Offered:
Ideas Changing the World, ICW (Jam Term IV)
Excellence and Integrity, EXI (Jam Term V; Del Term IV)
Inclusive Spirituality for Managers, ISM (Jam Term VI; Del Term IV)
Managerial Ethics (Tata)
Corporate Ethics (XOL)
Science and Religion
Symbol, Metaphor, Parable
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Nature (Cosmology)
Ethics and Business
Preferred Notions:
Humans as "Between, Beneth, Before and Beyond"
God/Self as "Ever Approachable, Never Attainable"
Life/Love as "Useless, But Not Meaningless"
India as "Scientifically Foreword, Religiously Inward and Economically Backward"
All-Inclusive Ethics: Ethics Embracing Everything/Everyone
Human Response as: "Active Denial, Passive Submission or Prophetic Acceptance"
TAMAS (There Are Many Alternative Stories)
Main Research Areas/Interests:
Death and After (including physical immortality and transhumanism)
Sustainable Life (TAMAS: "There are many alternative stories")
Dialogue as Way of Life (science-religion dialogue and hermeneutics)
Anthropological Issues (freedom, love, death and after death, human nature, etc.)
Symbol, Parable, Metaphor and Myth (Hermeneutics and more)
Philosophy/Ethics of Technology (Nanotechnology, Chaos Theory, Bioethics, Neurology and Neurotheology)
Philosophy and Physics
Ethics as the Art of Living Together
Raising Ethical Consciousness for Viable Human Destiny
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