There Are Many Alternative Stories

Tamas is the story of alternative life-styles or stories.  Inspired by Daniel Quinn's  Ishmael, this book explores the various stories we have been enacting. So, There Are Many Alternative Stories!

It promotes viable and alternative stories and life-styles that  are friendly to the environment and to one another.


Preface ....................................................................................... 9

0. The Introductory Story

1. The Story of Rumpelstiltskin ........................................... 14

2. Twice a King (Bar dhaoe rejena)..................................... 17

3. Rumpelstiltskins and Death Merchants Among Us ......... 19

4. Our Procedure ................................................................... 20

5. Quotes for Reflection ....................................................... 22

I. The Stories Narrated by Ishmael

1. The Story of the Narrator, the Saviour ............................. 24

2. The Story of Ishmael, the Teacher ................................... 25

3. The Story of Humanity, the Captured .............................. 30

4. The Takers’ Story: Conquer the Rest ............................... 33

5. The Story of Forming a Civilisation................................. 44

6. The Leavers’ Story: Let the Rest Be ................................ 47

7. The Story of Humans Without Gorillas ........................... 51

8. Quotes for Living ............................................................. 52

II. The Story as Such

1. More than a Symbol? ....................................................... 56

2. Not Merely a Myth ........................................................... 58

3. Rite as Right ..................................................................... 60

4. Metaphorising of Reality .................................................. 60

5. Story as a Narrative of Life .............................................. 62

6. The Personal Story ........................................................... 64

7. Captives of the Story ........................................................ 65

8. Lulling Our Senses ........................................................... 68

9. Captivated by the Story .................................................... 69

10. Getting Out of the Story ................................................... 70

11. New Story-ing as a Way Out! .......................................... 71

12. Facts for Reflection .......................................................... 72

III. The Basic Plot of the Takers’ Story

1. The Major Premise: The World is Made for Man............ 74

2. The Holy Command: Conquer and Rule the World ......... 75

3. The Profound Discovery: The Meaning of the World ..... 76

4. The Human Task: Make a Paradise Here on Earth .......... 76

5. The Excuse: Something Is Fundamentally Wrong with Us 77

6. The Simple Conclusion: Therefore, Man Needs Prophets . 78

7. The Typical Attitude: Man against the World ................. 79

8. The Evident Consequence: Impending Doom.................. 80

9. The Sole Goal: To Live without Limits ........................... 82

10. The Only Religion: To Become Gods.............................. 83

11. The Main Characteristic: Cut Throat Competition .......... 83

12. The Uniqueness of Man: As Special Beings .................... 87

13. The One Way: Homogeneity in Style .............................. 88

14. The Significant Choice: Death ......................................... 89

15. Deviant Behaviour: Legislate Laws ................................. 90

16. The Destiny of Takers: To Be Gods................................. 90

17. The Mode of Life: A Struggle .......................................... 91

18. Facts for Imagination ....................................................... 92

IV. The Basic Plot of the Leavers’ Stories

1. The Basic Premise: Humans Are Made for the World........ 96

2. The Holy Command: Shepherd and Guard the World ..... 97

3. The Profound Discovery: The Mystery of the World ...... 98

4. The Human Task: Live the Paradise Here on Earth ......... 98

5. The Excuse: Something Is Wrong with Takers’ Story ...... 101

6. The Practical Conclusion: Discover the Laws of Life ... 102

7. The Typical Attitude: To Be in the World ..................... 104

8. The Evident Consequence: Viable Life .......................... 105

9. The Main Goal: To Prosper within Limits ..................... 108

10. The Many Religions: To Live in the Hands of Gods ..... 109

11. The Main Characteristic: Limited Competition ............. 111

12. The Uniqueness of Man: Trailblazers ............................ 112

13. The Many Ways: Diversity as Survival Value ............... 113

14. Deviant Behaviour: Deal with it Naturally..................... 114

15. The Significant Choice: Life .......................................... 114

16. The Destiny of Leavers: To Remain Human.................. 116

17. The Mode of Life: A Celebration ................................... 117

18. The Genesis Account: Leavers’ Stories? ........................ 119

19. Facts for Reflection ........................................................ 121

V. The Story of September 11

1. Situating the Tragedy ..................................................... 127

2. Critically Responding ..................................................... 132

3. Creative Re-story-ing ..................................................... 136

4. Conclusion ...................................................................... 140

5. Quotes for Stimulation ................................................... 146

VI. Some Stray Thoughts

1. Random Thoughts .......................................................... 150

2. Mere Thoughts ............................................................... 155

3. Non-thoughts .................................................................. 159

VII. TAMAS: There Are Many Alternative Stories

1. The Hope for Humanity ................................................. 168

2. The Old Will See New Visions ...................................... 170

3. The Divergent Ways....................................................... 172

4. Life as Chaotic................................................................ 173

5. Fusing the Horizons of Hope.......................................... 175

6. New Story-ing: Does Hard Work Play? ......................... 177

7. Celebration of Creativity ................................................ 178

8. An Adventure of Life ..................................................... 179

9. The Story of Speech ....................................................... 179

10. Quotes for Encountering ............................................ 181

VIII. The Concluding Story

1. Sinking Ship ................................................................... 186

2. Self-help Story................................................................ 188

3. Finally ............................................................................ 189

4. Quotes for Imagination................................................ 191

Celebrating 20 years of its publication!

Dedicated to 

the reader’s grand-grand daughters, thimangalams, crocodiles and hibiscus (Malvaceae hibiscus

who will be grateful to us in 2502 AD

for having enabled them to be; 

for having let life flow, emerge and be;  

in, through and by us.

ISBN 0-9709782-0-0


In Indian philosophy, the three attributes of life are